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We've complied some frequently asked questions to provide you with more information about the product we offer.

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Q. What happens if I mix high water-content mud containing cement with MT-1?

A. MT-1 is a specially modified version made from the material "superabsorbent polymer" used in baby diapers and cooling patches. The product absorbs water in the soil according to the principle of permeation, so that the water absorption capacity of the soil containing a large amount of electrolytes is greatly reduced. However, due to the large amount of calcium ions contained in cement mud, it is difficult for MT-1 to absorb water from it. Therefore, the cement mud responsive type MT-2 can modify it to a plastic state without any problems.

Q. MT series are basically treated as industrial waste, but will there be any problems if they are left on site?

A. According to the "Construction Waste Disposal Guideline (Ministry of the Environment of Japan)", it is clearly stated that "Waste refers waste that is no longer needed because the possessor cannot use it for himself or transfer it to another person for a fee. However, earth and sand, earth and sand equivalent to specifically used for land development, soil and sand generated by dredging of harbors and rivers, and other similar soil and sand are not classified as waste under the Waste Management Law."  In other words, mud generated from land preparation work and dredging work is earth and sand, while mud generated from propulsion, shield, and ground improvement work is waste.

Therefore, there is no particular problem if it is earth and sand, but if it is waste, it needs to be treated in accordance with the municipal government's treatment method. (For details, please contact government-designated cities or the environmental department of each local government.)

Q. Do MT series affect planting and vegetation growth?

A. The pH value of MT series products are all neutral, satisfy the Soil Environmental Quality Standards, and have almost no effect on vegetation. Please refer to the Example of MT treated soil being reused in a buckwheat field.

Q. Do MT series produce harmful substances after modifying the mud? For example, it may affect groundwater, etc.

A. The same as the answer to the previous question, the products do not contain harmful substances because it satisfy the Soil Environmental Quality Standards.

Q. After long-term placed of MT treated soil, does the soil condition change due to rain or other influences?

A. MT-1 is modified by absorbing the water in the mud, while MT-2,3 is modified by combining the polymer components with soil particles. Therefore, MT-1 may be like ordinary residual soil, when it encounters rain, part of the soil will turn into mud; MT-2.3 will hardly turn into mud again. For details, please refer to Flooding test of MT treated soil.

Q. If I want to remove the cement mortar(W/C 60%~80%) on site, is it possible to mix with "MT series" so that treated soil does not harden and then remove it?

A. Since the mud with W/C=70% contains a lot of cement, it is expected that it will turn into concrete after 7 days of curing. However, MT series can be modified into a plastic state instantly after modification, it can be easily removed from the site before it solidifies like concrete. In addition, the products modified in aggregation state, the treated soil can be easily loosened with a backhoe after curing.

Q. In order to ensure the trafficability of heavy machinery, we mix cement-based solidifier with topsoil to harden it, but there are problems such as "excessive hardening" and "prohibition of cement use". In this case, is it possible to use MT-1?

A. The purpose of the development of MT series is "how to remove the mud generated on site in a fast, simple and low-cost way". Since the products do not contain curing components such as cement or lime, they will not produce strength through curing.

Because of this reason, when MT treated soil as an embankment material, one of the following operations is required to increase soil strength : 

*Dry in the sun to reduce the water content of the treated soil

*Mix other good quality soil

*Use with cement or lime

For soil with a low water content, there is data that expresses about qc=220kN/m², and there is a possibility that trafficability can be ensured for heavy machinery with a low installation pressure. If you are interested in our products, please Contact Us for trial products. 

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