Example of MT treated soil


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MT series treated soil can be reused as well as

transported to temporary storage or overburden soil disposal sites.

The following is an example of reusing MT treated soil in a buckwheat field.


Reservoir repair work

Project name : Reservoir repair work (tentative name) Purchaser : Yamagata prefecture
Construction period : June 2018 Construction site : Yamagata prefecture, Japan
Outline of construction : The purpose of this project was to secure the storage capacity of the reservoir and improve the seismic resistance of the embankment. Due to there was the thick silt at the site caused problems such as reduced water storage capacity and deterioration of water quality. After comparing the methods of treating the bottom mud with quicklime and High water-content mud modifiers, it was found that MT series was more neutral and less expensive, so this product was adopted. After improving the bottom mud with High water-content mud modifiers MT-2, the treated soil was instantly carried to cultivated land about 1km away, dried in the sun, and reused as elevated embankments.

MT series processing flow

Whole view of site

Original mud condition

Adding MT-2

Mixing with MT-2

Loading on dump truck

Discharge of treated soil


Detailed explanation of the flow 


No.1 Status of bottom mud accumulation

Thickness of the bottom mud is about 50cm


No.2 Bottom mud properties


No.3 MT-2 mixed situation


No.4 Temporary placement after improvement

The height of the temporary placement is 0.5~1.0m

No.5 Temporary placement after improvement

The height of the temporary placement is 0.5~1.0m

The thinner the thickness, the easier it is to dry, so even if it is thicker, it should be limited to about 1.0m and spread over the entire area for temporary storage.

MT treated soil is in a state of aggregation, which increases the specific surface area, and increases the area exposed to the wind compared with original mud, and accelerates drying. 


No.6 Flooding test of MT-2 treated soil

(Moisture content : Experiment with 80% simulated mud)

Amount of modifier MT-2 added : 1.5kg/m³

State after 48 hours of addition and mixing

As shown in the picture on the left, MT-2 contains a component that binds the soil particles in the mud, so even if the treated soil is exposed to water(rainwater), it will not turn back to mud.                                        Therefore, even if it is temporarily placed, it can repel rainwater and prevent it from turning into mud again.            


No.7 After 4 days of temporary placement

Soil strength : qc=246kN/m²

After improvement, instantly carried it away and placed it in temporary place and drying in the sun can increase soil strength.

No.8 After 10 days of temporary placement

Soil strength : qc=402kN/m²

MT treated soil after improvement has a qc=100kN/m² when tested immediately, but by temporarily placing it on site and allowing it to dry in the sun, we found that gradually developed strength. As long as there is "time" and "place" for temporary placement, it is possible to develop strength without using a solidifier.


No.9 Land elevation work

Created a carry-in path with iron plates (marked with a red frame)

Created from the rear side, gradually moved toward the front. 

No.10 Land elevation work

Elevated land status

The height of elevated land is 1.0~2.0m

Increase the land level height by about 1.0m each time. It takes a few days cured after the first pile of 1.0m, and after confirmed that it was in a condition to accommodate heavy machinery, continue to pile up to 2.0m. So sleep


No.11 Land elevation work

Elevated land status

It was divided into two stages and piled


No.12 Land elevation work

Land elevation work completed


No.13 Land elevation work

Soil strength test after elevated land completed



No.14 Land elevation work

The part marked with red frame is the original cultivated soil of the buckwheat field. Move the cultivated soil to the side for preparation in advance

Finally, Spread the cultivated soil over the entire elevated land.



No.15 Land elevation work

Finished leveling the cultivated soil.


No.16 Land elevation work

Buckwheat planting status

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